The Effectiveness of Rural Entrepreneurship in Expanding Rural-Urban Bonds Case Study: Villages in Dalahou District (Kermanshah Province)


Department of Human Geography, Geography and Rural Planning, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


Rural entrepreneurship can lead to more interaction between rural and urban centers and through the expansion of rural-urban flows (including the flow of people, goods, capital, information and technology), to bilateral relations and, ultimately, to rural-urban linkages. This process, in turn, leads over time to the dynamism of rural areas and the creation of more opportunities for business activities as well as the improvement of the socio-economic conditions of rural settlements. This article examines the possibility of expanding rural entrepreneurship in the villages of Dalahoo district (Kermanshah province) and tries to show that expanding these activities and the relationships connected with them can not only lead to more interaction and connection of the villages with urban centers, but in harmony with urban centers, to the prosperity and development of rural settlements. The statistical population of the study consists of 139 rural settlements in the area, which were examined descriptively and analytically. To this end, library and field methods were used with surveying tools such as questionnaires and interviews to collect the necessary data and information. The indicators used to measure rural entrepreneurship and its effectiveness for sustainable local development included increases in employment and income levels, access to services and efforts to protect the environment. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistical methods and Spss and Excel software, as well as the t-test and the Pearson correlation test. The results of the study show that rural entrepreneurs in the rural Dalahu area, despite some of the area's natural potentials and socio-economic capabilities, have not been as successful and expanding as they should be, and apparently have not been able to properly bring about the rural-urban cohesion, to achieve relative sustainable development at the local level. It is mostly due to the unbalanced distribution of rural settlements and their critical distance from the regional centers, as well as lack of easy access to exchange Bazars, where improper mechanisms are overwhelming.



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