Evaluation of neighborhoodism in the plans of improvement and renovation of worn-out urban fabric Case study: District 10 of Tehran

Document Type : Research Article


1 Associate Professor, Kharazmi University of Tehran, Department of Geography and Tourism Planning

2 Associate Professor, Department of Human Geography Faculty of geographical Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

3 PhD student in Geography and Urban Planning, Kharazmi University, Tehran


Neighborhood and Sustainability Urban neighborhoods lead to social, economic, environmental and good urban governance. The most important principles and criteria of a sustainable neighborhood include; Participation is social capital, cultural cohesion, security, urban identity, reducing energy consumption, vitality and dynamism. Neighborhoodism in Iranian-Islamic cities stems from the ethnic, religious, economic, and social ties of its inhabitants. Urban development plans, including urban improvement and renovation plans in dilapidated neighborhoods, are among the plans that can have a positive or negative impact, especially causing a rupture in the structure and organization of the neighborhood and neighborhoodism. We are in this
In this study, we have evaluated the changes in neighborhood indicators in the improvement and renovation plans of the worn-out urban fabric in District 12 of Tehran Municipality. This research is based on the applied purpose and the combined method of exploratory-analytical and content analysis has been used. The obtained results indicate that, considering the implementation of improvement and renovation plans of the worn-out urban fabric in terms of structure and structure, which have had significant results in the study area; However, in terms of the impact of this plan on social structure and people's sense of belonging to the region and local identity, they have been weak and in some cases have reduced social capital and people's sense of belonging to the place of residence and the structure and spatial organization of neighborhoods. The social success of this project does not seem so significant and successful, and they have not succeeded in strengthening the foundations of neighborhoodism. In general, the dilapidated urban fabric design has not met the necessary coordination between the strategies and policies of the upstream and downstream plans or executive plans.


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