Investigating the effects of tourism on the economic and social development of rural areas (case study: villages of Talesh city)


1 Islamic Azad University, Mashhad branch, Iran

2 Islamic Azad University, Mashhad Branch, Department of Geography, Iran


From the 1950s, attention was paid to rural tourism, and in the 1960s, its economic aspect was focused on local communities, and from the 1990s, new horizons were created in the development of tourism and it was used as a tool for the development of rural communities. In such a way that today the most important tool for sustainable rural development is the use of tourism capacities, especially natural and cultural ones. The development of tourism in villages increases job opportunities, creates additional income and brings poverty alleviation in rural areas and brings many environmental and cultural benefits. The purpose of this research is to investigate the economic and social effects of tourism development in the villages of Talesh city. The research method is descriptive and analytical. The research data was obtained through library and field documents and through questionnaires, statistical documents and field observations. Due to the lack of reliable statistics on the number of tourists entering the region, 383 questionnaires were collected using the formula Kochran was obtained, it was presented and completed during the periods of high tourist seasons including spring and summer. The result of the research shows that in the aforementioned seasons there is a significant relationship between the arrival of tourists and the creation of employment and the arrival of rural communities.. due to the existence of unique attractions. To the natural person, including the beaches of Gisum, Khalif Abad, Teki Tashe Abad, Qoruq, Haweiq and Chobar and the beautiful road from Islam to Khalkhal, Talash to Merian, Lisar to Subatan and Talash to Sharsol, investment and creation of tourism infrastructure to develop the region as much as possible and create employment. It will have a lasting impact.
