Strategic planning of tourism based on the balanced evaluation model and its impact on tourist attraction and development of Amlesh city


Amlesh city is one of the cities in the east of Gilan province, which despite having tourist attractions with beautiful landscapes and rich in ancient monuments and has been registered, due to its being in a dead end and the lack of attention of local officials in the field of planning and action The introduction of attractions and the development of infrastructure have caused tourists to not know much about the city's potential, and as a result, tourism in Amalesh is weak. The purpose of this research is to plan on Amalesh tourist attractions using a new management system in determining plans and taking action to introduce attractions for the purpose of tourism development, during which the residents of the area are considered as a community of beneficiaries.
The research method is descriptive and analytical. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data, and assumptions about the capabilities of attractions and the role of strategic planning based on the balanced evaluation model in the development of tourism in Amalesh were stated. In the examination and testing of the hypothesis, P ratios and Z-test have been used, and using the results of the questionnaires, the hypotheses were tested with a 95% confidence level.
According to the results of the research and the testing of the hypotheses, the capability of the tourist attractions of Amlesh and the role of the balanced evaluation model in planning and in the direction of the development and prosperity of the city's tourism have been confirmed. Amelesh, with its natural and historical gifts, has the capability and ability to promote the development and prosperity of tourism in Amelesh according to the pursuits of local and city officials and during strategic planning using a new approach in strategic management called the balanced evaluation model. provide and in this way by creating job opportunities, attracting public participation and institutionalizing the culture of tourism as well as systematizing different methods of advertising and creating a suitable platform to attract the private sector and thus strengthening the infrastructure that leads to attracting and attracting domestic tourists And the foreigner can determine the growth of the city.
