The effects of social entrepreneurial activities on the empowerment of villagers covered by the relief committee (Case of study: Villages of Bowanat city)

Document Type : Research Article


1 Associate Professor of Rural Geography, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.Mashhad. Iran.

2 Department of Geography Education, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran

3 Graduated with a PhD in Geography and Rural Planning


Extended Abstract 
Management is the coordination of material and human resources to achieve goals, and many other definitions have added words such as increasing efficiency, directing, and combining science and art to the above definitions. But it can be said that there is a common point in all of them that they mentioned the management of financial and human resources together. This is while the management of financial resources exists on its own and has many uses, and it may be related to the management of human resources. On the other hand, management is a technique as well as a skill with experience in order to organize the affairs of a system, and the concept of supervision comes to mind. However, in another statement from Mintzberg's point of view, management has a different definition, he believes. who equates management with the responsibility of a group and says: "A manager, according to my definition, is someone who is responsible for the entire organization or a separate and identifiable part of the organization. With all that has been said about management and its different definitions in It has been stated in different cultures that management, while applying its management conditions, must also have sufficient management skills to be able to use their skills to successfully apply their experiences in the field of management. Therefore, some managers in villages and rural settlements are Their management practices are based on local knowledge as well as acquired knowledge from government education and they make extra efforts to improve the conditions of the villages under their supervision. Accordingly, a successful manager with rural skills is a manager who is familiar with the rules of management in the village. It makes the necessary use of the opinions and experiences of others in this field in order to provide the best possible conditions for the excellence and growth of the rural settlement. The nearby settlements should surpass themselves and the settlement itself should be transformed into a first-class rural settlement with excellent quality and growth rate with the skillful thoughts of the local manager. This is important in remote villages and villages adjacent to cities. and cities are also trying to train local managers with a sustainable development approach in order to achieve happiness and human well-being in rural areas, the results of which in the past years indicate that this practice and program has been successful. Therefore, this important point should be pointed out. It is necessary for the successful performance of managers at different levels to have management skills. Therefore, local rural managers with management skills can guide rural management towards the new goals of sustainable development.
The aim of the present research was to measure the possession of management skills by local managers and it was able to achieve new research results by measuring different indicators in the researched case sample. He also pointed out that on this basis, this research is applied research in terms of its purpose, and descriptive-analytical in terms of its implementation method. Regarding the collection of standard data, during the process of conducting the research, for data collection Library and field studies have been used in the target community which is Karat village of Taibad city. The sample size studied using Cochran's formula was 350 households in 9 rural areas of Karat village in Taibad city.
Results and Discussion
In the present research, the results showed that there is a significant difference between the studied villages of Taibad County, Karat Dehistan, in terms of having management skills. Also, the results of Friedman's test showed that the share of social skills of rural managers with an average of 4.21 is higher compared to other skills among the studied villages and has a different share compared to other skill measurement indicators. In the continuation of the examination and comparison of management skills between two groups of local managers (Shura and Dehiar), the present research showed that the average of the two groups of local managers in having management skills does not have a significant difference.
Finally, the results of the Vaikor decision making model showed that the managers of Koh Abad village and Farman Abad village were ranked first and last in terms of having management skills compared to other studied villages and provided better conditions in obtained in the statistical community. With this description of the situation of the management skills of the two villages that got the most points, the research shows that the two villages of Koh Abad and Farman Abad have the least challenges in terms of their management skill.


Main Subjects

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