Guide for Authors

Download the conflict of interest form and submit it with the article.

Download the commitment letter form and send it along with the article.

Guide to editing articles

To avoid delays in judging and timely publication of the article, be sure to pay attention to the following points-

- The article must be the result of research and scientific work and has not been previously published in another journal - whether domestic or foreign - or in the collection of articles of seminars and scientific conferences or sent to another journal at the same time.

Note 1. Those articles presented in scientific conferences that are only summaries have been published (provided that the full details of the conference are mentioned) can be reviewed.

Note 2. Review article from experienced authors and owners of research articles in the field in question, is accepted provided that in compiling those relevant and numerous sources, the research document has been included.

- The official language of the magazine is Persian, but articles in English will also be available.
The article should have a fluent composition and be grammatically free in terms of grammar and writing style.
- The maximum volume of the article includes text, figures, diagrams and tables (20 pages). If it exceeds this amount, the publication office will not be responsible for not publishing.
The article should have the following structure:

- First page: full title of the article in Persian; Persian Abstract (300 words); Persian vocabulary key (5 words)

- Next pages: Introduction should be integrated and include: (problem design; importance and necessity; objectives; research questions; background), theoretical foundations, research method, study area, discussion and findings, conclusions, sources. The main headlines and titles should be numbered. References should be numbered in the original article file as well as in the extended abstract file.

Note 1: The details of the author / authors should not be mentioned in any part of the article

Note 2: Foreign terms with exact and expressive equations in Persian and the full name of the word and abbreviations used in the text, should be referred to the subtitle.

Note 3: Maps and diagrams should be prepared with appropriate content function (the map should have geographical coordinates, linear scale and orientation).

Note 4: The extended Latin abstract (between 800 and 1000 words) should be prepared as a separate file with the following structure.

Note 5: The English abstract must be written with the correct rules and words, otherwise the article will not be accept.

Note 6: Article typing should be done in Word program with a margin of 3 cm on each side and a distance of one centimeter between the lines.

Original article file: (full text file without authors name); The title of the article is B Titr 12 (B Titr). The main titles of the article are B Mitra font. It is necessary to use the thin B Mitra 13 font in the Persian text and the Times New Roman 11 font in the Latin text. Bithra 12 final source fonts are thin.

Profile file: (file without original text); Includes name, academic degree, scientific department, specialty, university, city, country. (Both Persian and English) Email and orcid code of the responsible author are required. The method of receiving the orchid code is located on the main page of the quarterly site.

Latin Extended Abstract File: (Extended Abstract); Article title and authors' profile and six main titles
.Introduction, Methodology, Results and discussion, Conclusion, Keywords, References

- Each table should have a number and title (explanation), which is in the middle of the table at the top of the table with a bold font and size 10 pt. It is typed and numbered in order of 1. It is best to insert the tables inside the text and after where they are referenced. All texts in the table must be typed if they are Persian (Bithra pt. 10 thin) and if they are Latin they must be typed (Times New Roman 10pt). All numbers in the tables should be typed in Persian and in the middle of the Chinese alphabet (use a slash between the numbers instead of a dot). It is mandatory to mention the unit of committees in the table. Each table should be spaced with a blank line before and after the text. Also, if the tables have a reference, the reference number should be mentioned in parentheses at the end of the table title.

- Each map and diagram (both with the title of the figure) should have a number and title (description) which is in the middle below it with a bold pen and the size of pt. 10 are typed and numbered from 1 in order. Graphs and shapes can be in color or black and white, but in such a way that if printed in black and white, their colors and details can be recognized. The shapes should be inserted inside the text and where they are referenced. It is mandatory to mention the units of the committees in the figures. The text of the article should refer to all forms. When preparing the figures, make sure that the size of the numbers, words, quantities, and curve legends are large enough to be perfectly clear and legible after insertion in the article. Make a row before and after each shape.

- List of sources cited in the text with the author's family name, year of publication and page number in parentheses

For one person: (Kamran, 1399: 14) - (46: Ruuskanen, 2009)

For two people: (Saeedi and Fathi, 1399: 30) - (64: 2010, Narayan & Cassidy)

For three people and more than: (Meshkini et al., 2013: 200) - (109: 2013, Sheehan et al)

- The method of writing the specifications of sources and references at the end of the article based on the letters of the alphabet and numbered should be as follows:

Book: Last name, author (s) or translator (year of publication). Book title, time of publication, place of publication: Relevant publisher.

1- Meshkini, Abolfazl and Habibi, Kiomars (1394). Traditional Principles of Construction in Islam, Second Edition