The process of rural context transformation in the process of land use system transformation, with reference to the villages of Ardabil region (2016-2016)


1 PhD student in Geography and Rural Planning, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Professor of Geography and Rural Planning, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.


The people living in rural areas have created special residential fabrics during the time, based on the socio-economic relationships that determine their lives and activities, which in terms of both physical-structural, and various socio-economic functions, are considered as valuable historical-civilization heritage of the country. Recognizing the set of effective forces in the formation of such textures and the factors influencing their structural-functional transformation, opens the way for recognizing the processes of production and formation of social spaces. Therfore, the scientific understanding of such processes, as well as the formation of different types of land use in the process of general socio-economic development, is one of the basic tasks of researchers in space systems, especially of geographers. This article, as a case study, relying on the "strategy of structural-functional dynamics", tries beside the reviewing the main forces and factors affecting the formation of various rural textures in Ardabil region, to evaluate the relationships between differnet land uses and transformation of rural fabrics. The research method in this study was descriptive-analytical and based on the collection of library and field data and information (observation and interview). The results show that the development of texture by changing aspects and dimensions of land use in these villages according to the conditions of the whole country is in line with the transformation of spaces and a kind of orientation towards urban spaces. It is clear that such changes have been accompanied by positive and negative aspects.




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