An analysis on the realization of the principles and criteria of urbanization in old urban contexts (Case study: District 10 of Tehran)


1 Islamic Azad University, Department of Science and Research, Iran

2 Yadgar Imam Azad University, Faculty of Humanities, Iran

3 Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Unit, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Iran


The aim of the present research is to analyze the realization of the principles and criteria of urban planning to revive the worn-out urban tissues of the 10th district of Tehran. The research method is descriptive and analytical, and field studies, questionnaire technique, as well as documentary studies have been used, and then the inferential findings from the questionnaire have been analyzed. The inferential findings of the research have been measured and analyzed using spss software and appropriate tests in the field of research. In this section, it is necessary to determine, after the review, what rank each neighborhood is in all the criteria and to what extent it will be able to implement and realize the principles and criteria of re-urbanization for the revival of worn-out urban tissues. In general, it is possible to evaluate the existing capacities in Region 10 based on the measurable dimensions of new urbanism, and by using each of the principles and criteria while preventing the horizontal growth of the city of Tehran and its social, economic and environmental consequences, the field It provided for the revitalization of the city in the areas that have been neglected in the transition from slow urbanization to rapid urbanization.
