The role of milk making workshops in the formation of studied spatial flows: the settlements of Hashtroud and Charavimaq districts (East Azerbaijan)


1 Shahid Beheshti University, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Department of Human Geography and Applied Sciences, Iran.

2 Payam Noor University, Center of Chenaran, Department of Geography, Iran.

3 Payam Noor University, Iran


Spatial flows are based on rural-urban interaction and relations, which can be separated into different types of flows of people, goods, money and capital, information and innovation between rural centers and urban centers. The formation of these flows requires the provision of the necessary structural and functional platforms. What is particularly important in this regard is avoiding approaches based on the separation of rural and urban settlements and instead relying on rural-urban socio-economic continuity. In developing countries, what actually hinders the formation of such regional networks is due to various factors and forces, whose identification is particularly important in the direction of rural-urban development. Of course, in the meantime, the facilitation of construction and development institutions and agencies, along with the serious participation of the villagers, can play an effective role. This article tries to identify the role of such workshops in the formation of urban-rural relationships and the formation of local and regional flows by examining the operation of milk-making workshops in Hashtroud and Charavimaq cities.
