Obstacles to spread the cultural strategies of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the geoculture of the Islamic world, a case study: Saudi Arabia


Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.


The contemporary history of the Islamic world has been faced with violence, political instability, the intervention of great powers, the illegitimate presence of Israel, the suppression of libertarianism and independence (problem). Apart from finding the roots of this matter outside the Islamic world, regional powers including Saudi Arabia have played a significant role in creating and maintaining this situation, which makes it necessary to argue and argue to prove it (necessity). One of the examples of this claim, which is the main purpose of this research; Al Saud's efforts are aimed at preventing the spread of cultural strategies of the Islamic Republic of Iran in order to restore the existing order in the geoculture of the Islamic world (goal). Therefore, the question can be asked, what are the aforementioned limitations? And why does the Saudi kingdom prevent the spread and spread of Iran's cultural strategies in the geoculture of the Islamic world? (Question) Although many analysts raise the difference between Shiites and Sunnis in response to this question (background), the author seeks to prove the hypothesis that Iran's cultural strategies stem from the role of Umm al-Qari in the geoculture of the Islamic world. Based on this, changing the existing situation is at the top of its plans (hypothesis). This issue goes beyond supporting the Shiites and neglecting the Sunnis and is an example of the policy of unity of the Islamic world (innovation). Therefore, Saudi Arabia is trying to prevent the unity of the Islamic world and the realization of Iran's Umm al-Qura by resorting to all kinds of mechanisms, from the spread of Wahhabism to Iranophobia and the division between Shia and Sunni. The current type of research is theoretical-applied and the method of information analysis is library, internet and documentary (method).


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