Analysis of Healthy City Indicators, Case Study: Imam Khomeini Port City


Islamic Azad University, Mahshahr, Iran.


The accelerated growth of urbanization over the past few decades has created many problems for the city and citizens, which has endangered the health of cities. The purpose of this study is to plan urban planning to create a healthy city in the port city of Imam Khomeini.
This research is descriptive-analytical and has been collected in both documentary and survey. Excel and SPSS software is used for indexing and calculations, and the GIS geographic information system is used to draw the map. Finally, by applying the SWOT analysis pattern for the study area, using field findings and expert opinion, strategies are provided to achieve a healthy city in the city. The results of this study show that the status quo of the five health indicators (social, economic, environmental, health and cultural) of Imam Khomeini Port (RAH) is far from favorable and healthy city standards and is not favorable. The results of the SWOT model showed that in weight gaining, opportunities in the planning of a healthy city in Imam Khomeini Port had the highest score, which means that in the area of ​​study, although the standards of the healthy city with the current situation But the port of Imam Khomeini (RAH) is capable of achieving healthy city standards with the help of planned strategies. At the end of the strategies, based on the QSPM matrix, prioritized and suggested.


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