Causes of decrease in the water level of Lake Urmia


Islamic Azad University, Tehran. Iran.


As the 20th largest lake in the world, Lake Urmia is one of the most important and valuable water ecosystems in Iran. The watershed of this lake is equal to 52331 square kilometers, of which 5822 square kilometers is the lake itself. Unfortunately, due to climate change, this lake is being destroyed due to non-observance of some environmental principles. In this article, the research method is of an applied-library type, and by using lake level fluctuations and according to rainfall statistics, air temperature changes, lake level fluctuations, surface flow statistics entering the lake, the time and number of operated dams are compared. The effects of natural and unnatural factors on the amount of changes in the lake water level have been discussed and finally, the studies show thatClimatic factors have less impact than unnatural factors and Lake Urmia can be divided into three distinct areas: First area: with a very shallow depth and gentle slope and the entrance of the rivers that feed the lake (Simineh Road and Zarineh Road) which also bring Fertile sediments can be restored and turned into agricultural land at a lower cost; The second range: which is the middle range, as a sensitive environmental range, has the ability to plant salinity-friendly trees that are resistant to dehydration and need to be controlled. The third area: It is the inner area that prevents the complete destruction of the lake and acts as a drain for the Azerbaijan region.


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