Evaluation of citizenship indicators in urban planning


University of Isfahan, Iran.


One of the most important concerns of urban planners is to ensure the maximum satisfaction of citizens. The issue of the satisfaction of the residents of a city as the basis of consequences such as a sense of belonging to a place, identity, active participation, social cohesion, etc., as the fundamental goal of urban planning, has a special importance and position. The main purpose of the current research is to investigate and analyze the place of citizenship in urban planning patterns and citizenship indicators in the two parts of rights and duties. The type and method of research is combined (survey, correlational and documental, etc.) using statistical tests such as (T-test and Friedman's test) and a measuring instrument is a questionnaire to collect information from among 100 specialists and experts who Itavam cluster was selected by simple random sampling method and used. In the study of urban planning models, the results show that although each model emphasizes a group and category of citizens, they do not provide a platform for the presence and participation of citizens in the general sense, and participation is provided for selected groups of people. and it acts in the direction of group and class interests more than it is in the direction of collective interests. Also, in the examination of citizenship indicators in the law sector; The topic of participation (8/13), justice (7/45), security (7/27) has the greatest impact on the investigated indicators, as well as in the obligations and duties section; The indicators of rule of law and acceptance of public interests have a higher position and importance with a coefficient of (3.27).


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