Analyzing the effectiveness of endogenous development of villages from rural management (case study: Atrak village - Maneh and Samalghan)

Document Type : Research Article


Mashhad Ferdowsi University


Rural management in Iran has gone through fluctuations in the past, but today, with modern rural management, it is hoped that
rural spaces will experience positive changes, and in this process, it is expected that the villagers themselves will play
a greater role through internal development by taking advantage of play social capital. In this article, an attempt was made
to investigate the effectiveness of rural management on the endogenous development of villages. The findings of the study,
based on the results obtained from the bivariate regression test, show that the intensity of the variable effect of the rural
management performance on the social capital of the village, which indicates the moderate and positive effect of the rural
management performance on the social capital of the village.

Economic factors have had the greatest impact on the amount of social capital formation, so that it alone explains 54% of
the changes in social capital. According to the findings, solutions include equipping and investing in the economic affairs
of villages, strengthening values ​​such as meritocracy at the level of local rural managers, using social encouragement and
persuasion and giving emotional support from local management and higher levels of rural development management and etc.
is suggested.
