Analysis of the trend of urbanization and future growth of informal settlements in the metropolitan area of Tehran


1 Islamic Azad University, Tehran.

2 Natural Geography, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


Problem: Based on the surveys and the results of the 2015 census, about 20 to 30 percent of the total population of 13.5 million people in Tehran province live in informal settlements, which causes many problems, from environmental pressure to social security issues. has borne fruit The need to obtain a clear vision of the growth process of informal settlements with the aim of determining the strategies and implementation solutions to solve the problem is considered as one of the important concerns of the management of the metropolitan area of Tehran.
The current investigation method is of the type of statistical analysis and field investigations, and it has been tried to know the dimensions and future prospects of informal settlements; Strategies should be presented according to the realities of the metropolitan area of Tehran.
The continuation of migration and the growth of the urban population of the metropolitan area of Tehran (about 5 million people until 1405), the multiplicity and inconsistency in the management of the metropolitan area and the slowness of the nature of structural reforms are effective components in expanding the dimensions of informal settlement until 1405, so the implementation of the document The organization of migration from Tehran, the empowerment document of informal settlements, the integrated and unified management of the urban complex, the approach to justice in space and the policy of redistributing wealth in parallel with economic growth are among the effective strategies in overcoming the situation and solving the problem.